Liverpool have received good news Sadio Mane a good attacking line can train as usual. Despite a rib injury from the national team game ahead of the program against Arsenal football team on Saturday. Curtis Jones will still need weeks to heal from an eye injury.
San Bernardino went to wing the good of the Liverpool club in the Premier League. Made the Kop was relieved after back training with the team as usual the action feisty Training Center on Tuesday, November 16. Passed by after being injured from going to help Senegal National Team In the World Cup qualifying game. While young midfielder Curtis Jones there was also an eye injury need to stay for several weeks.

The Reds’ army
has been facing many injuries. In the front Roberto Firmino. The pioneer of the Brazilians suffering a hamstring injury. Resting for at least a month making this time only. Three of the frontiers that can be trusted such as Mane , Mohamed Salah and Diego Jota can be used.
But it turns out that there is no good news. When the Senegal star plays Injured to the rib area. While serving for the national team. The 1-1 World Cup qualifying draw with to go on Thursday 11 November. Gave Jürgen Klopp a chance to see. How long he would be out but the latest is good news. When the 29-year-old offensive line is not much. And can practice with friends has been complete.
However, in the case of Curtis Jones, the 20-year-old midfielder did not train with reports that It will take several weeks to rest. from an eye injury in the previous training session. which the club medical team confirmed Care must be taken in treatment. and to be natural Therefore, there is no set period for returning the field in any way.
As for Jordan Henderson, the team captain who withdrew from England beat San Marino 10-0 and James Milner and Harvey Elliott also featured in training. But it is a separate practice, with Liverpool having an open program at Anfield to meet Arsenal in a league game on Saturday, November 20.