“Black sesame” is considered one of the popular grains mixed in food. and many types of drinks And it is often the first choice of people who are taking care of their health because it is considered a superfood that is packed with nutrients that are beneficial to the body, such as having antioxidants that help slow down aging. Reduce blood cholesterol It also has high calcium that helps strengthen and nourish bones, 6 times more than cow’s milk.
But even though black sesame is very beneficial, If you eat too much It may cause harm to the body.
“Black sesame” with precautions worth knowing before eating
Black sesame is highly beneficial. Even though the amount eaten is not much But because it’s small and light, it’s easy to eat and easily mixed with other foods. Therefore, many people may not be careful with the amount they eat each time. ทางเข้า ufabet
But black sesames is considered a food that provides relatively high energy because 100 grams of black sesames provides up to 700 kilocalories of energy. Therefore, black sesames is often used as an ingredient in many different energy-producing foods. In addition, black sesames is also It is a food with a relatively high copper content. The body is normally able to eliminate excess copper from the body. But in some patients, such as Wilson’s disease, which is a genetic disease that is present from birth. Impairs the excretion of copper from the body. This causes copper to accumulate in the person’s body over time until various symptoms begin to appear. The most common ones are liver symptoms such as jaundice, enlarged liver, and enlarged spleen, followed by neurological symptoms. Abnormal movements, difficulty swallowing, etc.
Recommended amount of “black sesame” in 1 day
If the body is healthy There is no problem of eliminating excess copper from the body. Just be careful about getting too much energy. By the recommended amount of black sesame each day It should be around 15 grams per day, or 1 tablespoon, which is enough to meet the body’s needs.